Venus in Cancer, June 17, 2024

Venus entered the sign of Cancer today.

This water sign stands for emotional connection, affection, and vulnerability. It is thus a moment to connect with feelings after a more rational phase of Gemini. In relationships, the focus now will be on caring, closeness, and attention to the emotional needs of others as well as our own. Here, communication is very important as Mercury accompanies Venus in this entry into Cancer. However, it will not be easy to establish understandings as the tendency is to get involved in projections and subjectivity, as indicated by the square to Neptune. Amid the external chaos, it will be positive to open a space of serenity that allows us to flow and find direction.

We will then have the square to the lunar nodes between the 24th and 28th, which will certainly mark a moment of catharsis and reorientation in relationships, exposing the failure of codependency patterns and proposing dynamics of sharing and promoting each one's autonomy. With the sextile to Mars at that time, there will be a tendency to express our deepest feelings, and this can be liberating and constructive, as the trine to Saturn from the 29th seems to indicate. With this reinforcement of solidity and emotional resilience, in the first week of July, we may allow ourselves to face some sensitive points in search of healing and resolution.
Basically, this transit of Venus through Cancer presents us with an emotional roller coaster that will undoubtedly give us the opportunity to exercise and strengthen our emotional self-regulation abilities.

Jorge Lancinha
(Photo by - Dmytro Tolokonov - Unsplash)


Happy Solstice 2024!


Mercury Combust, June 12, 2024