Venus in Taurus

Venus has just entered Taurus, one of the signs it rules. In Taurus Venus stands for pleasure, sensuality, and well-being. It's a phase where we might feel a greater sensory appeal, promoting connection with the body and placing increased value on stability, security, and peace.

However, this first week proves challenging as the path to this desired comfort should not come from strategies of control, possession, attachment, defensiveness, and stubbornness. The square to Pluto that Venus makes during this week shows us that these types of toxic strategies are likely to be exposed and foster resistance in interactions. The invitation here is to look more deeply and recognize the true needs behind attitudes and behaviors.

After this intense process, Venus will sextile Saturn between May 9th and 16th, and it will be possible to reap fruits of greater consistency and security. But it's important to always maintain flexibility, as from May 14th, Venus approaches Uranus, activating the need for greater freedom to explore new perspectives and reformulate relationship patterns.

Then, from May 20th, towards the end of this journey through Taurus, Venus will encounter Jupiter and simultaneously sextile Neptune, which seems to indicate a moment of great expectation and deep longing for sharing. It's a very promising phase at the relational level, especially if there was the courage to undergo the transformation processes mentioned earlier.

- Jorge Lancinha

(Photo by Rishabh Sagar - Unsplash)


Mars in Aries & Pluto Retrograde!


The Full Moon in Scorpio on April 23rd!