Mars in Taurus, June 9, 2024

Mars entered Taurus today!
In this sign, Mars is not very comfortable since Taurus is a territory of peace, tranquility, and security, while this planet represents action, assertion, competition, and conquest. Therefore, there is a dissonance between Mars' aggressive drive and Taurus' harmonizing nature.

However, this conjunction can stimulate interesting qualities such as persistence and resilience, making us feel more capable of investing patiently and consistently in our goals at this time. Nevertheless, this persistence can also translate into stubbornness, inflexibility, difficulty adapting, and resistance to different ways of acting. It is precisely the confrontation with these types of difficulties that seems to characterize this first phase of Mars' transit through Taurus, as it will have to overcome the square with Pluto. Thus, until around June 19, we may feel great intensity and pressure to become aware of the impact of our actions or inaction. The tendency to project will be strong, perceiving threats in others' attitudes when, in reality, we are merely reacting defensively when confronted with something within ourselves that is difficult to accept and integrate.

After this initial phase of the transit, starting from June 11 until July 10, Mars forms a sextile with Mercury, Venus, and then Saturn, indicating that once we have overcome these more intense and conflict-prone transformation processes, we may enter a more harmonious, fluid phase where our actions tend to be more consistent, effective, and productive.
Then, from July 9, we will experience a new intensity with Mars' conjunction with Uranus, a more rebellious and liberating moment where we may feel the urge to take more risks and follow different strategies. This can be an electrifying and encouraging phase, especially with the trine to Pluto from July 13, but the square to Mercury at the same time warns us of some inflammatory communication that may need regulation.

- Jorge Lancinha


Mercury Combust, June 12, 2024


The Gemini New Moon on June 6, 2024