The Gemini New Moon on June 6, 2024

Today's Gemini New Moon at 5:37 AM PDT/ 8:37 AM EDT features a tight conjunction with Venus in Gemini, making relationships of all kinds a focal point for this lunation. Friendships, family bonds, or romantic relationships could feel more playful if we're willing to relax and be present.

The Sun and Moon meet at 16˚17' Gemini, setting the stage for a time of connection, conversation, and communication. Mercury and Jupiter are also in Gemini, and Mercury's influence inspires us to reach out, share ideas, and engage in meaningful dialogues.

Gemini, a mutable sign, brings a spirited yet scattered influence, making it challenging to focus our attention. We may feel pulled in multiple directions, curious to explore new interests but unsure where to invest our energy.

Adding to the mix, Mars is in the final degrees of Aries, activating tension and revving up our drive without a clear direction. This restless energy can lead to impatience and impulsive actions if not channeled wisely.

The Sun and Moon form a square aspect with Saturn in Pisces, highlighting inner conflict and a heightened awareness of our obligations and responsibilities. This aspect may bring stressors to the forefront, urging us to consider what distractions to eliminate. However, it's important to resist the urge to act impulsively or let our moods dictate our decisions.

We may feel as if we have choices to make in relationships, but Gemini's mutability begs us to stay open and adaptable. It is an influence that revels in questions more than answers. - Rachel Lang


Mars in Taurus, June 9, 2024


Mars/Chiron Conjunction in Aries