
Falling in Love, The fine line between Passion and Madness with Margaret Gray, MSW
Help we’ve Hit the Rocks, How can Astrology help Couples navigate Challenges and Ruptures in Relationships? with Margaret Gray, MSW

Heart-Centeredness in the Stars: An Astrology Conference
Join Kay Taylor and other renowned astrologers as they demonstrate how to use astrology as a tool to better understand life, death and evolution. Kay will be presenting on The Astrology of Spiritual Awakening, Conscious Love Through Relationships, and Saturn in Pisces: The Taskmaster Floats In. She’ll also be teaching an optional Hatha Yoga class.
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ISAR 2022
Join us in Westminster, Colorado (outside Denver) for the ISAR (International Society for Astrological Research) 2022 Conference. The faculty team of Relationships & Astrology is honored to present at this excellent conference.
Margaret Gray: Are you my Twin Soul (Saturday @ 11 am) and Basic Counseling Skills for Working with Couples (Sunday @ 11 am)
Rachel Lang: Will I Win the Jackpot? The Astrology of Windfalls, Successes and Lucky Breaks (Sunday @ 11 am)
Yvonne Smith Tarnas: Into the Woods, the Archetypal Mid-Life Passage: From the First Saturn Return through the Classic Mid-Life Transits (Sunday @ 2 pm)
Kay Taylor: Fate and Evolution: Lunar Nodes in Relationship Astrology (Saturday @ 2 pm); An Evolutionary Approach to Vocation (Sunday @ 4 pm)