Relationships & Astrology - Level 1 Intensive
Life is about relationships. Use the planets as your guide.
Relationships & Astrology Intensive
Life is about love and relationships.
Relationships with:
Family Members. Partners. Children. Friends. Colleagues. Neighbors.
And most importantly —
And if you’re here, curious about this course, chances are …
you know that navigating relationships isn’t always easy.
We all see the world through our own lenses.
And we experience relationships through those lenses.
We make assumptions.
We repeat family patterns.
We don’t communicate well (or at all).
We may feel unseen and unheard.
The opportunities for misunderstandings and conflict are endless!
If you’ve ever wished you better understood others …
If you want to gain insight into your relationship patterns and why you attract the people you do …
If you wish you knew better ways to have happier relationships …
Astrology is here to help.
Astrology provides clues about human behavior and is a powerful tool for having more harmonious relationships.
In this intensive, you’ll learn the fundamentals of relationship astrology —
specifically, how each of the planets impact human behavior, human dynamics, power struggles, and more.
You’ll learn about the roles that the following play in relationships:
Emotional needs ~ Communication styles ~ Core values
Boundaries ~ Self-assertion ~ Attachment styles
Childhood issues ~ Parental and family relationship patterns ~ Conflict resolution
You may have looked at your natal chart in the past, but this intensive will look at things from a different perspective.
It’ll take a relationship-oriented approach, starting with relationship to yourself and working outward.
And by helping you understand yourself better, it’ll enable you to make self-loving choices that will benefit all of your relationships.
The intensive includes 13 pre-recorded classes available for you to watch at your convenience.
Don’t miss this rare opportunity to learn from some of the best astrologers in the field of relationship astrology.
Once you’ve completed the intensive, you’ll have the prerequisites needed to continue your studies with our more advanced courses, The Astrology of Love and Relationships, Level 2 & 3, which start in March 2024.
Find more information about Levels 2 & 3 here!
As a student in the Relationships & Astrology Intensive, you’ll get:
Access to pre-recorded classes that you can watch and listen to again and again for up to 6 months!
An understanding of the transpersonal planets, the houses, the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Chiron and their roles in relationships
Training in the timing of progressions and transits as they pertain to relationships
If you’re interested in…
Developing a better understanding of yourself and of those with whom you’re in relationship
Understanding how the energy of your natal chart and the planetary influences show up in your relationships
Learning how the energies of your chart interact with the energies of other people’s charts
Making the most of the synergies that you have with other people
…then this course is a MUST for you!
CLASS 1: Overview of the Transpersonals – Rachel Lang
CLASS 2: Exploring the Houses in the Context of Relationships in the Individual Chart Part 1 – Anne Ortelee
CLASS 3: Exploring the Houses in the Context of Relationships in the Individual Chart Part 2 – Derivative Houses - Anne Ortelee
CLASS 4: The Sun – Individuation, Independence and Interdependence – Margaret Gray
CLASS 5: The Moon – Exploring Attachment in Relationships – Margaret Gray
CLASS 6: Venus – Connecting with Self-value and Valuing Others ~ Rachel Lang
CLASS 7: Mercury – The Fundamentals of Communication in Relationships ~ Margaret Gray
CLASS 8: Mars – Sexual Drive and Conflict Resolution ~ Margaret Gray
CLASS 9: Jupiter – Natally and by Transit – Rachel
CLASS 10: Saturn - Natally and by Transit, including Saturn Returns – Anne Ortelee
CLASS 11: Chiron – Natally and by Aspect in the Individual Chart ~ Anne Ortelee
CLASS 12: The Timing of Progressions and Relationships in the Individual Chart ~ Anne Ortelee
CLASS 13: The Timing of Transits to the Individual Chart – Rachel Lang
Meet Your Instructors
Margaret Gray, MSW., B.A Counselling and Psychotherapy, is a consulting and teaching astrologer and psychotherapist based in Dublin, Ireland, although a part of her heart remains in Hawaii, where she lived for 10 years! Margaret’s work is grounded in a Jungian based psychological approach, integrated with a soul based perspective. Her main focus and interest is in the astrology of Relationships. Margaret was the original co-founder of ‘Relationships and Astrology’ in 2016 with Armand Diaz. More information at astrologypsychological.com .
Anne Ortelee is a certified astrologer by ISAR-CAP, AMAFA, NCGR-PAA Level 3 and OPA. She started to study astrology in 1994 and in 2001 became a full-time astrologer. Since May 1995, she’s volunteered for NYC’s NCGR Chapter and other astrology organizations. Anne was the Treasurer of OPA for 7 years. She’s on the Board of the CG Jung Foundation. Since December 1998, Anne’s lectured at astrology conferences including UAC 2012 and 2018. She writes a regular newsletter, offers a New Moon Webinar monthly, twitters daily aspects to 73,000 people and offers three weekly podcasts about astrology. Anne offers daily podcasts, songs and aspects to her Patreon subscribers. She opened an online astrology school in 2022. AnneOrtelee.com.
Rachel Lang, PMAFA, is a consulting astrologer and author of Modern Day Magic: 8 Simple Rules to Realize Your Power and Shape your Life. Rachel is also an elected member of the Ojai City Council in Ojai, CA, and works at the intersection of spirituality and social engagement. Since 2006, she’s been working with individuals and businesses. She writes columns for the Omega Institute and Club Magic Hour and contributes to other publications. An internationally recognized speaker, Rachel leads retreats, teaches classes, and hosts workshops on topics such as Astrology for Creatives, Working with Magic, and Psychic Mediumship Development. She serves on the boards of the National Council for Geocosmic Research and the Economic Development Collaborative of Ventura County, and she is a passionate volunteer for a number of organizations. Rachellang.com .