Psychological Astrology Level 1 - Certificate Course
Start your journey.
Begin your astrological journey into the rich practice of Psychological Astrology. This 28-week course will teach the primary skills for interpreting the horoscope, deepen your understanding of your chart, and launch you into a personal process of transformation.
This Certificate Course is ideal for you if…
You are new to astrology
You’d like to develop your current astrological knowledge from a psychological, mythological and archetypal perspective
You are interested in using the tool of Psychological Astrology for your own personal development and deeper self-knowledge
You want to understand more about your birth chart and the birth charts of friends, colleagues and loved ones
You’re working in the caring professions, including Psychotherapy, Psychology, Psychoanalysis, Teaching, Medicine, Social Work and Counseling, and you want to add an insightful tool to your skill set
You want to become a Professional Astrologer. This course offers you a foundation to build on and enables you to continue your studies in our intermediate and advanced courses and workshops.
You’ll learn about the following topics:
The psychological meaning of the Houses, Planets and Signs
The role of the Sun and individuation
Understanding the Moon and attachment patterns
Understanding communication styles and ways of dealing with conflict and inner blocks
Ways to strengthen your self-value and self-empowerment
How to recognize parental, family and ancestral patterns in the birth chart
The psychological meaning of age-related developmental stages
The psychological meaning of aspects and transits
So, if you’ve ever wondered about any of the above - this course is ideal FOR YOU!
Enroll now before the Early Bird Special ends on Dec. 26!
Click the button below and register today.
Main Course Presenters:
Margaret Gray MSW, B.A. Counseling & Psychotherapy, Dip. Psych. Astrology is a consulting and teaching astrologer and individual and couple’s psychotherapist based in Dublin, Ireland, although a part of her heart remains in Hawaii, where she lived for 10 years! Margaret’s work is grounded in a Jungian based psychological approach, integrated with a soul based perspective. Margaret was the original co-founder of ‘Relationships and Astrology’ in 2016.
Carole Taylor MA, FFAstrolS. Former President and Director of Studies at the Faculty of Astrological Studies is an astrological consultant and teacher. Her work is informed by Jungian principles and by studies in mythology, archetypal imagination and Hermeticism. She was formerly President and Director of Studies at the Faculty of Astrological Studies, founder of its online classes programme and an extensive contributor to its course material. She holds an MA in Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred, and is a tutor on the Sophia MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology at the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David. Carole is the author of Astrology: Using the Wisdom of the Stars in Your Everyday Life and co-author of Journey Through Astrology.
Guest Course Presenter:
Jorge Lancinha ISAR C.A.P. Certified Astrologer with a degree in Fine Arts is a Portuguese astrologer based in Porto, Portugal. He holds a degree in Fine Arts and has been studying Astrology and Spiritual Traditions since 2000. Jorge has been a fulltime professional astrologer since 2010. and from 2012, he has been developing training programs in Astrology. His focus is Psychological, with a Jungian Archetypal perspective. Jorge has an ISAR C.A.P. Certification. Exploring the human psyche within the context of spiritual development forms the foundation of his work as a consultant and researcher.
This course is a professional and personal experiential journey, in a supportive live international group. As well as ongoing open book quizzes, you are encouraged to keep a journal throughout this experience, with the focus of learning, primarily on you and your natal chart.
Live Online Recorded Classes are taught weekly on Thursdays from 7:00-8:30 p.m. Irish time, beginning on Jan. 18, 2024 and ending on Oct. 31, 2024
Check your local time here:
All classes are taught via Zoom and are Recorded for those unable to attend live
Disclaimer: This course does not include psychotherapy, or counselling training. It is not a group therapy session and all attendees are responsible for their own mental, emotional and physical well-being. This course is not a substitute for mental health support. If you are in the midst of mental health challenges, please consult with your medical practitioner before enrolling on this course.
The Early Bird Special ends on Dec. 26, 2023!
Prefer to pay in installments? Click here to take advantage of our payment plan to register.
We are also delighted to offer Two Diversity Scholarships - See below for terms and conditions and the application form.
There are no prerequisites in terms of astrological knowledge, or experience.
This course does require:The willingness to engage with your inner growth process.
A basic knowledge of English is required, as translation into other languages is not yet available.
Consistent access to high speed internet is also needed, as we will be using both speakers and a camera for the class.
Reading assignments will be suggested on a week-to-week basis.
You are encouraged to keep an ongoing journal to help you make deeper connections between your natal chart and the material discussed in class. Questions will be suggested in each class to support you in this process. You will not be required to share the journal.
There will be a brief quiz at the end of each section. Replies will be via your teaching platform and will be shared with other students for your mutual learning. Margaret and Carole will give you feedback on your replies.
There will be a final longer and more detailed quiz at the end of the course, which aims to help attendees to put their learning into practice.
Attendees will be encouraged to share their birth chart in class throughout the course.
NOTE: The above assignments are only a requirement for attendees who wish to receive the certificate of completion. There are no requirements for anyone attending the course for their own pleasure and learning.
None of the assignments are in any way competitive. We aim to foster a supportive and creative adult learning environment, where we all learn from each other’s life experience.
You are always very welcome to contact us if you are struggling with any of the material and we will do our best to support you in any way you feel might be helpful to you.
Suggested Core Books:
The Astrology Sourcebook by Shirley Soffer, or
Thorsons Principles of Astrology by Charles & Suzy Harvey, or Astrology Realized: Your Journey to Understanding Astrology by Nadiya Shah
The Twelve Houses by Howard Sasportas
The 12 Houses – Deborah Houlding
Aspects in Astrology by Sue Tompkins
The American Ephemeris for the 21st Century – Neil Michelsen
Additional Books:
The Luminaries – Liz Greene & Howard Sasportas
Incarnation, the Four Angles & the Moon’s Nodes – Melanie Reinhart
Chiron & the Healing Journey – Melanie Reinhart
The Inner Planets – Liz Greene & Howard Sasportas
The Horoscope in Manifestation – Liz Greene
The Mars Quartet – Liz Greene, Lynn Bell, Melanie Reinhart & Darby Costello
Through the Looking Glass – Richard Idemon
Secrets from a Stargazer’s Notebook – Debbie Kempton-Smith
The Moon in Your Life – Donna Cunningham
Apollo’s Chariot – Liz Greene
Neptune – Liz Greene
Saturn in Transit – Erin Sullivan
Retrograde Planets, traversing the inner landscape – Erin Sullivan
Uranus – Eric Myers
Cosmos & Psyche – Rick Tarnas
The Soul’s Journey – Tom Jacobs
Luna The Astrological Moon – Paul F. Newman
Excellent ebooklets by Brian Clark;
Jungian Psychology Unplugged – Daryl Sharp
While we don’t offer 1:1 mentoring, there is one live, online recorded mentoring session per term. Attendance at a minimum of two mentoring sessions, is a Certificate requirement. All of the mentoring groups include chart discussions and are a great opportunity to ask any questions about material covered in the course and how it relates to you natal chart.
Note: The dates for the mentoring groups are announced closer to the start of the term.
The teaching assistant is a prior student and will help attendees set up a whatsapp group for support and questions.
Also, both Carole and Margaret are always happy to chat individually with any attendee who feels they are struggling with the material. Email us and we will arrange a time to meet via Zoom.
Term 1 – Jan. 2024
CLASS 1: Jan 18
The Basic Vocabulary - Margaret Gray & Carole Taylor
Setting the framework to explore psychological astrology as a tool to better understand your psyche, including an introduction to the angles, elements, quadrants, houses, signs and planets.CLASS 2: Jan 25
The Angles of Incarnation – Margaret Gray
Focusing on the Angles in the birth chart, from a psychological perspective.CLASS 3: Feb 1
Journeying around the Twelve Houses of the Chart from a Developmental Perspective. Pt. 1 – Margaret Gray
Beginning our in-depth exploration of the psychological meaning of the 12 houses H. 1 – 4. As well as considering the 12 Houses as part of the developmental cycle, we will also look at them in terms of creatively integrating polarities and the core soul themes we have chosen to experience in this lifetime.CLASS 4: Feb. 8
Journeying around the Twelve Houses of the Chart. Pt. 2 – Margaret Gray
Continuing our in-depth exploration of the psychological meaning of the 12 houses. H. 5 – 8.CLASS 5: Feb. 15
Journeying around the Twelve Houses of the Chart Pt. 3 – Margaret Gray
Finishing our in-depth exploration of the psychological meaning of the 12 houses. H. 9 – 12.ASSIGNMENT: Completion of Quiz
CLASS 6: Feb 22
An overview of the Elements and the Modes from a Psychological Perspective – Jorge Lancinha
From a psychological perspective, the 4 elements are the foundation of our astrological language. We will also look at the similarities to Jung’s 4 functions and how their interpretation in the natal chart offers us a useful initial insight into personality traits.CLASS 7: Feb 29
The 12 signs of the Zodiac – An Archetypal & Psychological Perspective. Pt. 1: – Carole Taylor
Exploring the 12 Signs of the Zodiac - the Fire Signs.CLASS 8: March 7
The 12 signs of the Zodiac :Pt. 2 – Carole Taylor
The Earth Signs.CLASS 9: March 14
The 12 signs of the Zodiac: Pt. 3: – Carole Taylor
The Air Signs.CLASS 10: March 21
The 12 signs of the Zodiac: Pt. 4 – Carole Taylor
The Water Signs.ASSIGNMENT: Completion of Quiz
Holiday break March 27 and April 4
Term 2 – April 2024
CLASS 11: April 11
The Planets Pt. 1 – Margaret Gray
Exploring the planets from an archetypal, mythological and psychological perspective. Focusing on the luminaries as energies, symbols, soul themes and psychological tools.CLASS 12: April 18
The Planets Pt. 2 – Margaret Gray
Mercury, Venus and MarsCLASS 13: April 25
The Planets Pt. 3 – Margaret Gray
Jupiter and SaturnCLASS 14: May 2
The Planets Pt. 4 – Margaret Gray
The transpersonal planets Uranus and NeptuneCLASS 15: May 9
The Planets Pt. 5 – Margaret Gray
Pluto and the Centaur Chiron. In looking at Chiron and some of the meanings attributed to this centaur, we’ll look at why the role of teacher and healer is often attributed to its placement by sign and house. We will also look at some of the meanings of a natal Sun/Chiron aspect.CLASS 16: May 16
The Lunar Nodes. Plus, Planetary Rulerships – Margaret Gray
We’ll look at the some of the meanings attributed to the Lunar Nodes, including connections to Past Lives. Planetary Rulerships in the chart will also be discussed.ASSIGNMENT: Completion of Quiz
One Week Break May 23CLASS 17: May 30
Aspects Pt. 1 – Carole Taylor
Introducing the major planetary aspects.CLASS 18: June 6
Aspects Pt. 2 – Carole Taylor
Introducing the minor planetary aspects.CLASS 19: June 13
Aspects Pt. 3 – Carole Taylor
Introducing aspect patterns.SUMMER BREAK
Term 3 – Sept. 2024
CLASS 20: Sept. 12
Planetary Transits Pt. 1 – Carole Taylor
Exploring the planetary transits from a psychological perspective. How to use the Ephemeris.CLASS 21: Sept. 19
Planetary Transits Pt. 2 – Carole Taylor
The outer planetary transits.
One Week BreakCLASS 22: Oct 3
Planetary Transits Pt. 3 – Carole Taylor
The outer planetary transits contd.CLASS 23: Oct. 10
Developmental Transits Pt. 1 – Margaret Gray
Exploring the key developmental transits including adolescence, Saturn Returns, Mid-life transits and the Chiron Return from a psychological perspective.CLASS 24: Oct. 17
Developmental Transits Pt. 2 – Margaret GrayASSIGNMENT: Completion of Quiz
CLASS 25: Oct. 24
Putting it all together. Chart Interpretation Class – Carole Taylor
A step by step review of how to do a chart readingCLASS 26: Oct 31
Overview of the course – Margaret Gray & Carole Taylor
An opportunity to ask questions and revise any material from the courseCompletion of End of Year Quiz
EARLY BIRD RATE: $1,275 if you Register by Dec. 26, 2023
AFTER DEC. 26, 2023: $1,450 USD
PAYMENT PLANS: Two payments of $750. Payment one at time of registration and Payment two by Feb. 10, 2024. Total = $1,500
We are offering a CURRENCY DISCOUNT for international students with currency inequity. Email for details.
Questions? Feel free to email
The Diversity Scholarships are full scholarships to attend the Psychological Astrology 101 Certificate Course.
This scholarships hope to make this course accessible to two attendees who would not otherwise be able to join the course. They are open to any prospective astrologer, who requires financial assistance to attend this course and self-identifies as having a diverse experience, including, but not limited to: gender diversity; LGBTQIA+; belonging to a cultural and racial minority; and/or being a person with a disability. Deadline for applications is Nov 28, 2023.
Click here to apply. -
Click here to register. Amd if you have questions, email us at! We very much look forward to seeing you in Jan. 2024