Mars/Chiron Conjunction in Aries

Mars is conjunct Chiron today, in Aries – a paradoxical combination which mixes heat, strength and direct action with empathy, humanity and vulnerability.

Particularly if you have any planets or angles at 22 degrees of Aries (or 22 degrees of the other cardinal signs, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn), you might have been called to take action in a situation in which you felt fearful or where you doubted your ability to be effective. The situation may have flared suddenly, leaving you feeling defenceless or unsure what decision to take. Courage comes in many forms though and perhaps it is enough simply to show up and to show compassion – to have been there when someone needed you or to acknowledge that the answer to a problem may be more nuanced or complex than we might have realised, requiring skill and wisdom to solve.

In relationships too, past pain and hurt may have been brought to the surface by this conjunction today, emerging without warning and leaving us feeling undermined or unsure what our next steps should be. Mars moves us though to examine the situation with unflinching honesty and brings the possibility of healing through sincere and courageous action.

Chiron often exposes our pain of being different, of feeling like an outsider – and in combination with Mars, our sense of differentness may pivot around a perceived lack of bravery or being held back by fear of failure. But I’m also fond of quoting Dennis Elwell on the subject of Chiron, from his wonderful book Cosmic Loom, in which he describes Chiron as the ‘audacity to attempt’. Chiron offers us a different view of things, away from mainstream orthodoxy – in Aries and combined with Mars, this maverick view may have acted to open up a pathway along which we can now begin to move with quiet confidence. Mars reminds us that we need to have courage – but Chiron shows us that our vulnerability brings wisdom and can turn out to be our greatest strength.

The conjunction will wane from here, but is still in orb for another few days, depending on what orb you like to use.

- Carole Taylor

[Image: Jason & His Teacher, by Maxfield Parrish, 1909. Public domain]


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