Jupiter in Gemini, May 25 2024 - June 9, 2025

Later today Jupiter joins Venus and the Sun in Airy Gemini, where it remains until June 9th, 2025!

Jupiter has an 11.86 year cycle, and the last time it was in Gemini was from early June 2012 – late June 2013. What was happening in your personal and relationship life at that time? This cycle will not be the same of course, as the other configurations in the sky are different, but it will carry a reverberation from the previous cycle, as Jupiter will make the same aspects in your natal and composite chart, as it did in 2012/2013.

Jupiter is a naturally expansive energy, and it enlarges the matters concerning the houses it is travelling through in your natal and composite chart, as well as the planets it aspects - in the manner of the Sign it’s currently in. Whether this feels comfortable, or challenging, depends on what it is being ‘expanded’ in your chart. For example, Jupiter in Gemini in the 7th house of relationships, may bring to the surface lingering feelings that there may be better relationship options elsewhere, or it may create some expansive fun opportunities in an ongoing relationship, or some new relationship opportunities if you are single and open to a relationship! Jupiter only offers potentials, which we can either avail of or not.

Jupiter in Gemini invites us to expand communication and ideas. However, keeping in mind that Hermes in classical mythology was a trickster god, rampant misinformation is a distinct possibility even when it’s not intended! Fact checking is now crucial! Jupiter’s trine to Pluto at the end of May and start of June, is likely to indicate greater collective confusion, discontent, and rebellion.

Jupiter also encourages us to connect with friendships far and wide, and with both family by birth, and family by choice. With Jupiter travelling through the sign of one of the few non-binary classical deities, we may finally see greater freedom, understanding, respect, and acceptance, of gender self-definition. Relationship wise, this is likely to improve family and friendship connections.

On an individual level it’s a great time to study and travel – depending on wider global circumstances. It may not feel like the most romantic time, as the connection Jupiter in Gemini seeks, is more cerebral than sensual.

If your natal or composite Jupiter is in Gemini, you will experience a Jupiter Return over the next 12 months. This will expand your desire to find greater meaning through learning and communication. What was your last Jupiter return like in 2012/2013?

Finally – keep in mind that Jupiter is also about Joy. In fact the Italian word for Jupiter is Giove, which the word joviality derives from! Lets find our joy through connection, communication, expanding our knowledge and journeying inside and out! MG

With Jupiter in Gemini, The Center for Relationships and Astrology would like to invite you to join our Level 3 Certificate Course starting in September! It has a wonderful assortment of specialist R & A presentations by Anne Ortelee, Rachel Lang and myself – all of us practicing Relationship Astrologers! I am also a couple’s psychotherapist! Register here for the last remaining places: Services 2 — Relationships & Astrology (relationshipsandastrology.com)

If you’d like to upskill your foundational Relationship Astrology knowledge, before attending Level 3, you can now buy the Level 1 Relationship and Astrology Intensive recorded package here: Services 2 — Relationships & Astrology (relationshipsandastrology.com)

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Mars/Chiron Conjunction in Aries


Venus in Gemini, May 2024