Mercury in Taurus on May 15

Mercury has just moved into Taurus today, shifting more of the cosmic balance from hot-blooded Aries to its stalwart and earthy neighbour sign. The Taurus energy invites us to slow the pace and appreciate life through the medium of our physical senses, which requires time and patience. Notwithstanding Uranus being there too, which tends to bring sharp edges and to speed things up, Venus and Jupiter in Taurus remind us of the unhurried and abundant pleasures of nature and the body, which are sweetest when we give ourselves proper space for their enjoyment. Alongside the Sun, and now also Mercury, in this placid and fertile sign, we can all benefit from aligning ourselves with the grounded steadiness of the sacred cosmic Bull, in our relationships and elsewhere in our lives.

As the Sun moves now through the closing degrees of Taurus, it makes a conjunction with Jupiter, exact on the 18th – an invitation to shine, celebrate, indulge and be generous. It evokes one of the epithets of Zeus from Greek myth - Zeus Tallaios or 'Solar Zeus', a synthesis of Zeus and the sun god Helios (in his Cretan guise as Talos). As befits the cyclical journey of the sun, Zeus Tallaios is a deity of death and rebirth, and so a reminder to appreciate life’s moments of fullness and abundance as a natural and necessary element of the full cycle of experience.

~ Carole Taylor

{Image: from Book of Hours, the Fastolf Master, c. 1440-1450, Bodleian Library, Oxford. Public Domain].

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