The Sun in Gemini

The Sun in Gemini brings a lighter feel to things, soon to be followed into this sign by Venus and Jupiter over the next few days, and finally Mercury for a short sojourn in the first two weeks of June. So Gemini makes its mark over the coming month, encouraging us to think more freely, entertain new ideas and rethink old attachments. As with all four mutable signs, the Sun moves through Gemini just as the season is changing and everything is thus in a state of flux, shifting things out of one state and into another. With Gemini, nothing stays still for long.

In the Gemini spirit, we can use this time to examine our relationships more objectively, trying to move beyond patterns which no longer serve us or finding new ways to relate to those around us. As a sign devoted to communication, and with Mercury as its ruler, the emphasis with Gemini is on liberal exchange and interaction – perhaps a time to tell loved ones how we feel, but also remembering to listen equally to what they have to say in return.

The downside of Gemini is the tendency to move over things too quickly, deflecting serious debate and missing the chance to understand situations from a deeper and therefore more rounded or more meaningful perspective. Gemini can quickly get the gist but fail to appreciate the full importance of what is being communicated or gloss too swiftly over things. But the advantage of this sign is the rare ability not to hold grudges and to see both sides without judging – always helpful in relationships where the two sides have become entrenched and can no longer hear each other!

- Carole Taylor

[Image by Darkmoon_Art at Pixabay]

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