Saturn Retrograde in Relationships

Once a year, Saturn goes symbolically retrograde for about 4 ½ months. This year, it started yesterday, the 29th at 19° Pisces 25. It goes direct on Nov. 15th at 12° Pisces 41.

Retrogrades invite us to focus on our internal world, in the manner of the sign the planet is travelling through, and related to the themes of the planet itself. Our main tasks during this time include re-viewing, re-considering, re-evaluating, re-assessing, re-structuring, re-thinking, re-visiting, re-creating…

Saturn retrograde in Pisces invites us to take some time to internally apply all the ‘Re-‘ words above, to the key foundations, structures, and ways we manifest ourselves and our creations in our life. As it’s in Pisces, this needs to occur via our imagination, intuition, and feelings, rather than our logical mind.

Relationships in all their formats are a key structure in most of our lives, as we tend to interact with others on a daily basis, in person, online…This retrograde is an ideal time to allow our intuition to guide us and help us heal and integrate, unresolved past relationship issues, that may surface in our waking, or dream state.

Saturn by nature requires reality, and we may find that fantasies we have been holding onto about past and current relationships, may finally come to an end. Allowing any last vestiges of grief to surface, can release emotional space that was blocking our happiness and for some, the possibility of new relationships entering our life.

Don’t be surprised if you need some time alone to allow old memories, feelings and intuitive insights to surface. You may also need more time to rest and integrate, particularly as dreams can be very vivid during this time. Pisces is a pre-verbal sign, that is often more easily expressed through symbols than words so watch out for synchronicities in meeting people!

Wishing you all a very peaceful and life enhancing Saturn Retrograde transit! MG

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Happy Solstice 2024!