The Cancer New Moon on July 5, 2024

The Cancer New Moon invites us to explore themes of nourishment, emotional security, and deep connections. How are we being cared for? How are we caring for others?

This lunation’s Sabian Symbol is “In a Sumptuous Dining Hall Guests Relax After Partaking of a Huge Banquet.” This symbol highlights the importance of materializing the concept of fulfillment and experiencing the joy of abundance and shared comfort.

For relationships, the Cancer New Moon suggests a time of coming together and enjoying the fruits of mutual effort. It’s about creating and savoring moments of intimacy and warmth, much like a reunion or celebration that brings people closer.

Let this energy help to deepen your emotional bonds, express gratitude, and build a sense of home and safety with those you love.

With Mars sextile Saturn, we have the to blend passion with discipline. This aspect encourages us to take steady, determined actions towards our relationship goals. It’s a powerful time to establish strong, lasting foundations with our partners.

Don’t forget to register for our New Relationships and Astrology course starting in September! Lots of interesting specialist relationships topics! Check it out here: Https://

- Rachel Lang


Venus in Leo, July 11, 2024


Saturn Retrograde in Relationships