Venus in Gemini, May 2024

Venus enters the sign of Gemini today. This transition may bring more dynamism to interpersonal relationships and sharpening the appetite for more interaction, stimulating and the search for novelty. The sign of the “twins” stands for sharing and companionship. It is thus a good time to invest in communication, exchanging ideas, and sharing experiences. This air sign also represents lightness, but at least until the beginning of next week, these days can be intense as Venus forms a trine with Pluto. Perhaps something can be revealed now that brings deep insights and transformative clarity.

As we enter June, Venus will approach the Sun, making the exact conjunction on the 4th. It is an important moment, symbolizing a transmutation, as Venus ceases to be the morning star to be reborn as the evening star. This phase, where it is hidden in the intense brightness of the Sun, represents a period of incubation in which new seeds of consciousness will germinate and be revealed as Venus becomes visible again, already in the sign of Cancer in July. Until then, it will be necessary to go through this process, which will also have Saturn in square during the first half of June, demanding limits and structure. Things we value, pleasures we long for, still need to mature, refine, and sublimate until they can be enjoyed in an appropriate form. For now, it is time to work internally on this refinement, enhancing the quality of our relationships through a greater awareness of the patterns and expectations that distort interaction, thus opening ourselves to real connection.

- Jorge Lancinha
(Photo by Daiga Ellaby - Unsplash)


Jupiter in Gemini, May 25 2024 - June 9, 2025


The Sagittarius Full Moon, May 2024