Kindling the Light - Venus in Sagittarius 2021
Venus enters Sagittarius on October 7th, beginning a stay that will continue until November 5th. That’s a little longer than usual, as the Goddess of Love is slowing down - not much at this point, but a little - to retrograde in December.
Venus Goes Goth in Scorpio, 2021
The goddess of love has taken off her Libra ball gown and put on her leather jacket as she entered Scorpio early today. For the next four weeks (until October 7th), she'll bring an early Halloween vibe to relationships.
The 2nd Saturn/Uranus Square & Relationships!
There is some tension in the skies today, as Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus square each other once again. This can potentially translate into some inner and outer pulls and pushes in some aspects of our lives, including relationships.
Venus enters Cancer on June 2, shifting from Gemini's lite and flirty social vibe towards more traditional and home-oriented feel. Cancer is the sign of June weddings, after all.
Yet Venus’ stay in the sign of the crab won’t be all backyard barbecues and family dinners. In fact, the goddess of love will be quite busy with her social connections. There’s an eclipse on the 10th and a Neptunian vibe takes over at mid-month, and both can get us to see things through a fish-eye mirror that lets us see things clearly, but out of proportion.
Hello, Gemini Sun
Later today the Sun joins the North Node, Venus and Mercury in airy Gemini! Grounding may not feel so easy with this lighter energy as we are pulled away from the earthier realms of our body into the cerebral world of thoughts and ideas.
As I mentioned in the week ahead blog on Monday, the spotlight now is more on friendships than intimate relationships.
Taurus Season and Relationships! Hello, Sun and Mercury in Taurus…
Taurus season ushers itself in loud and clear today, with both the Sun and Mercury moving into Venus ruled Taurus highlighting relationship themes. However, before we get too carried away with this lovely earthy and usually stable grounding energy, let’s take a look at the role Uranus also plays in this sign in the week ahead!
The Impact of the Nodal Change Into Gemini/Sagittarius - in Relationships!
Today the Nodes shift from Cancer/Capricorn into Gemini/Sagittarius, where they remain until mid January 2022.
For the past two and a half years we have been collectively steeped in the parental archetypes connected to Cancer and Capricorn. The symbolic ‘head of the dragon’ also known as Caput Draconis, nudged us towards greater self-nurturing, whilst letting go of some of the harsher features of the ‘tail of the dragon’ Cauda Draconis – including paying homage to an inner and outer authority that is no longer authentic to our core self. In relationships this translated into a greater ability to love others based on authentic self-love.
Some Initial Thoughts on Harry and Meghan’s Announcement on Jan. 8, 2020
Astrologically, this is very interesting! Here are some brief initial thoughts…
The Saturn/Pluto conjunction is on Meghan's descendant, with the lunar eclipse on Friday on her ascendant!
The Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Relationships - A New Cycle, A New Start...
The planetary energies have been building up to this day for many weeks and months and now – here it is – the start of a whole new 30+ year cycle for all of us!
Unlike the start of a year, which is a somewhat arbitrary choice; when planetary energies join forces in the sky, they reverberate through the Cosmos and within our Psyche. Something comes together and seeds a new beginning, as the door to the previous cycle closes behind us! It can feel a bit like moving from primary to secondary school where we know the expectations have changed, and we are a little anxious about what’s expected of us in this new environment.
Some initial thoughts on the synastry between the natal chart of the new Royal baby: Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor and his parents Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.
The royal baby arrived when the Sun is midway through its annual journey in the earthy sign of Taurus. It landed in the baby’s first house, describing the importance of discovering and developing a strong sense of self-value, as a core theme of his solar journey. His journey also involves being a powerful agent of transformation and manifestation, as he discovers his own sense of inner authority.
Chiron in Aries — in Relationships
Imperfections are not inadequacies; they are reminders that we're all in this together.
― Brené Brown
Tomorrow, the centaur Chiron moves back into the sign of Aries where it stays until 2027. This is pretty major, hence the longer than usual blog! Bear with me!
In mythology Chiron was half human and half horse and in our birth chart, Chiron represents the humanity in all of us that is part civilized and part primal. Often it’s only in intimate relationships that we allow that more primal aspect of ourselves to be seen.
Last week, I wrote about synastry, “bringing the stars together”, or - more simply - comparing two people’s charts to see where opportunities and challenges may be found. Today, I want to briefly outline another technique we use in relationship astrology, the composite chart.